
Mattermost is an open source platform for team communication. It enables real-time communication and file exchange and can be used as a tool for organizing and structuring events, clubs, etc.

How do I get access

If you would like to have access to Mattermost, please send us an email or use the order form. We will then create and send you the access data and you can log in at by clicking on “login with gitlab” in the login window and logging in here.

Mattermost basics

To use Mattermost, you must first create a so-called “team”. If you have not already been added to a team when you log in for the first time, mattermost will ask you to create a team. In the side menu on the left you will find the teams you are a member of, you can create your own team using the plus symbol. In a team you invite the people you want to work with (e.g. your club). These teams contain two basic functions, “Boards” and “Channels”.


Teams form the basis of Mattermost. This is where you define who has access to the respective boards and channels of the respective organizational structure and can edit them. A new team can be created and named directly using the plus symbol in the side menu on the left. If this plus symbol does not appear, click on the name of the team and select “Create team” from the drop-down menu. In this drop-down menu, you can also invite people (only people with their own Mattermost access) and make various settings.


“Boards” function as virtual pinboards or Kanban boards on which team members can visualize tasks, projects or other relevant content. You can create multiple boards and divide them into categories. To create a category, click on the plus next to the search field at the top left and select “Create new category”. Your new category will appear in the menu below, you can assign boards to categories using drag and drop.

To create a new board, click on the plus next to the search field and select “Create new Board”. In the following menu you can either select a template and create a board with it by clicking on “Use this template”, or you can create an empty board using the corresponding button at the bottom left. You can change the name in the board itself at any time.

Each board is basically divided into groups (columns), which in turn are organized into cards. A variety of properties can be added to each of these cards, such as priority, status, people, mail, date, etc. In each card there is also the possibility to write notes, create checklists and write comments. An icon can also be added to the title of each card and each group. You can also make settings.


“Channels” are virtual rooms or chats in which several team members can communicate, collaborate and exchange information. You can also exchange direct messages with individual members within the area.

To create a channel, click on the plus symbol in the side menu on the left. Then enter a name and whether the channel is public or private. Public channels are visible to all members of the team, private channels are only visible to members who have received an invitation to this channel.