
Software Listmonk

Sending out regular newsletters is especially important for cultural associations and artists to promote their programmes.

Since there was no other service available in the past with servus, many of our members have started using mailing lists for sending out newsletters.

Now almost all of them want to use more up-to-date features, that cannot be met by mailing lists but need proper newsletter software.

The Servus Approach

We at believe that it is a bit too much information for the sender of the newsletter to see when and who clicked on which link in the newsletter.
By default, therefore, only the number of recipients who have opened an email is visible, but not the exact addressee. If required, however, further statistics can be activated, collected and read out via SQL queries. In the UI of Listmonk only basic statistics can be displayed.

We have recently started using Listmonk to send HTML newsletters. Listmonk will gradually replace our previous newsletter tool Mailtrain.

With Listmonk you can:

Note: At the moment, we can only offer the option of creating newsletters using text editors or HTML via Listmonk. Visual or drag and drop editors will be implemented by the Listmonk developers over time. As soon as the visual editors are available, we will inform you here or via our newsletter. However, external drag and drop editors can be used, for example, by creating the newsletter in such editors, exporting it as HTML and importing it into Listmonk.